Ford Taylor

Learn more about Ford Taylor

Account Manager

  • What is your nickname? Fordos.
  • How long have you been in the Finance Industry? 10 Years.
  • What is your favourite food? Only one? that's hard to choose... Chocolate would be up there.
  • What does your ideal weekend look like? Catching up with friends & heading out on the ski.
  • What words do you live by? “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.”
  • Do you support a sporting team? If so, who? No, I don’t.
  • If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? To have more than one wish…Haha.
  • What is your favourite movie of all time? When I was a kid, it was Lion King.
  • What is your go-to karaoke song? Horses by Daryl Braithwaite.
  • If you could teleport to one major event, what would it be? They are not around anymore, but a Michael Jackson and 2Pac concert.
  • Finish the sentence: If I won the lotto, the first thing I’d do would be... Whatever I want, along with retiring and helping my family.

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